Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Essential Internet Marketing Acronyms Explained

Here is a great article that I came across dealing with the many acronyms that you must know to survive online. Enjoy!

If you're new to Internet marketing, the many acronyms and abbreviations often used in discussions on the subject can be confusing. To help you get up to speed quickly, here are the meanings of the most important:

ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange - A universally recognized set of digital codes that represent each of the letters, punctuation marks, and other symbols you can type on your computer. What people usually mean by "plain text."

ASP - Application Service Provider - Company that offers access to software applications and related services over a network or the Internet.

B2B - Business to Business - Refers to trade between businesses rather than between businesses and consumers

B2C - Business to Consumer - Refers to businesses selling products or services to end-user consumers.

CGI - Common Gateway Interface - A way web servers pass information to and from application programs (to process forms for example). CGI programs or "scripts" can be written in several programming languages, including C, C++, Java and Perl.

CPA - Cost Per Action - Cost to an advertiser for each visitor that takes a specific action in response to an ad, such as subscribing to an ezine, requesting a free trial, or making a purchase. Also used to describe advertising employing this model.

CPC - Cost Per Click - Cost to an advertiser for each click on a promotional link by a site visitor or newsletter reader. Also used to describe advertising employing this model.

CPL - Cost Per Lead - Advertising expenditure required to obtain each new sales lead.

CPM - Cost Per Thousand - The amount charged per thousand impressions (showings) of an ad ("M" is the Roman numeral for 1000). Whilst websites sell ad impressions in blocks of 1000, with newsletters the number of subscribers determines the final price. Also used to describe advertising employing this model.

CPS - Cost Per Sale - Advertising expenditure divided by sales generated to determine the cost to make each sale; or the commission payable for each sale generated by an affiliate.

CR - Conversion Rate/ Ratio - The percentage of respondents to an ad, or readers of a sales message that complete the action desired (usually making a purchase, but can also be subscribing to a newsletter, for example).

CRM - Customer Relationship Management - Improving interaction with customers through better understanding, with the aim of increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty (thus increasing profits).

CSS - Cascading Style Sheets - Used to globally define how elements in a Web page are displayed instead of relying on HTML code in the page. Makes designs more flexible and reduces HTML file sizes.

CTR - Click-Through Rate/ Ratio - The percentage of website visitors or newsletter readers who click on a particular link. Used to measure response to ads or sales messages.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions - Often used as the title of a page on websites that answers commonly asked questions about a product or service.

FFA - Free-For-All Links - Web pages that allow anyone to add a link back to their own website, usually in exchange for accepting promotional messages from the FFA page owner.

PFI - Pay For Inclusion - Paying to have web pages included in a search engine's database and regularly updated.

PPA - Pay-Per-Action - Affiliate commissions where a set amount is paid for generating a specific action, such as taking a free trial or subscribing to an ezine. PPL, PPC and PPS are usually considered as PPA.

PPI - Pay Per Impression - Where an advertiser pays for each display (impression) of their advertisement (usually a banner).

PPL - Pay-Per-Lead - Where a commission is paid for each sales lead generated by an affiliate. A "lead" is usually defined as somebody who signs up for a free trial, or requests further information, etc.

PPC - Pay Per Click - Ad sales or affiliate commissions where a set amount is paid for each click on a promotional link by a consumer.

PPCSE - Pay Per Click Search Engine - A search engine where the results are composed of advertisers who pay a fee for each click on their listing. Using a bidding system, the advertiser willing to pay the most is ranked highest.

PPS - Pay-Per-Sale - Where a commission is paid for each sale generated by an affiliate. The commission is usually a percentage of the sale, although sometimes it's a fixed amount.

ROI - Return on investment - How much profit is made after advertising and other costs have been subtracted. A measure of how successful a marketing campaign is in terms of the returns on money spent.

RON - Run Of Network - Where ads (usually CPM banners) are shown (rotated) across the pages of the entire network of sites owned by a company, or controlled by a particular advertising network. Cheaper than only having the ad appear on selected sites.

ROS - Run Of Site - Where ads are rotated across the pages of a single site. Cheaper than only having the ad appear on selected pages.

SE - Search Engine - A searchable database of pages on the Web. Different from an Index (like Yahoo) in that pages are not reviewed by a human editor before inclusion.

SEM - Search Engine Marketing - Similar to SEO (below), and sometimes used to emphasize that generating quality targeted traffic is of greater importance than simply obtaining high rankings. Can also include PPCSEs and other search engine advertising.

SEO - Search Engine Optimization - The process of optimizing web pages to achieve high rankings in the search results of a search engine, in order to attract more visitors.

SEP - Search Engine Positioning - Getting your page listed on the search engine results page. Similar to SEO.

SERP - Search Engine Results Page - The page of listings displayed upon completion of a search at a search engine.

SSI - Server Side Include - A way for a web server to include variable values and information from an external source into a web page as it is requested by the browser. Uses include automatic display of data like the Last Modified date of the page, or storing common page elements in their own files, enabling site-wide updates by modifying a single file.

USP - Unique Selling Proposition - The reason why somebody should buy from you and not your competition. The unique benefits that your products or services offer consumers. What it is that makes you special, different.

I suggest you print this article out and keep it somewhere handy. Refer to it whenever you're not quite sure what something stands for, and before you know it you'll be an old hand!

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Online Marketing Success Stories- A Book Review

Online Marketing Success Stories: Insider Secrets, from the Experts Who Are Making Millions on the Internet Today, a book written by Rene V. Richards delves into topic of successful online marketing. The book looks at real examples of how successful companies market online. Take a look at the review below.

"Standing out in the turmoil of today’s Internet marketplace is a major challenge. There are many books and courses on Internet marketing; this is the only book that will provide you with insider secrets. We asked the marketing experts who make their living on the Internet every day—and they talked. Online Marketing Success Stories will give you real-life examples of how successful businesses market their products online. The information is so useful that you can read a page and put the idea into action—today!

With e-commerce expected to reach $40 billion and online businesses anticipated to increase by 500 percent through 2010, your business needs guidance from today’s successful Internet marketing veterans. Learn the most efficient ways to bring consumers to your site, get visitors to purchase, how to up-sell, oversights to avoid, and how to steer clear of years of disappointment.

We spent thousands of hours interviewing, e-mailing, and communicating with hundreds of today’s most successful e-commerce marketers. This book not only chronicles their achievements, but is a compilation of their secrets and proven successful ideas. If you are interested in learning hundreds of hints, tricks, and secrets on how to make money (or more money) with your Web site, then this book is for you.

Instruction is great, but advice from experts is even better, and the experts chronicled in this book are earning millions. This new exhaustively researched book will provide you with a jam-packed assortment of innovative ideas that you can put to use today. This book gives you the proven strategies, innovative ideas, and actual case studies to help you sell more with less time and effort."

Google Website Giveaway- Free Website

What cheaper and better way to add to your online marketing campaign than with a free and professional looking website from Google? It's easy and takes just a few clicks to build.

Here's a quick video that will walk you through the process of setting up your own.

Internet Marketing 101

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Internet marketing, or online marketing, is the process by which you market your goods or services directly on the internet to a global audience. The methods that can be employed are infinite and limited only by your imagination. Furthermore, the interactive nature of the internet allows you to instantly correspond with your clients thereby increasing the success of your online campaigns.

Internet marketing has certainly evolved over time. In the beginning, search engines, online bulletin boards and an effective e-mail campaign were the cornerstones of any internet marketing plan. These are still important today, but the advent of social networking sites, blogs, paid advertising, affiliate advertising and a host of other choices have increased the options for anyone wishing to implement a cost-effective targeted online campaign.

Internet marketing has also changed in the fact that it is not limited strictly to internet users selling their wares online. Many brick and mortar businesses routinely use the internet to drive business to their stores. I read a recent article which stated that 55% of the online population use the internet to search for local products and services.

The type of internet marketing campaign that you wish to launch, of course, depends on exactly what your goals are online. If you are selling a product or service, your approach would be much different than someone that is selling advertising. The beauty of any campaign online is, in my opinion, the fact that it is available at any time to online users and can be modified instantly to suit your particular needs.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Making Money Online

We've all heard it before- make thousands weekly with little or no effort selling online! Simply pay a fee and you will share the secret of eternal success. Well, I'm here to tell you that it is not quite so straightforward and definitely not that easy. I have been selling on and off online for almost nine years now and think that I have truly seen just about everything.

My goal here is to share with you the many ups and downs that exist when trying to make money online. The truth is that with a lot of time, effort and work, you can make a good living. Join with me as I discuss such topics as marketing online, social networking, eBay, Yahoo! stores and much more.