In a follow up to the eBay book review below, I thought that I would share with you this
article on eBay tips and tricks. Although these tips were specifically written in regards to eBay, some of them can be quite useful when marketing any product online.
Top Ebay Tips and Tactics
by: Aidan JAmes
The number of fulltime ebay merchants is still growing. The range of products for sale is mind-blowing, just about everything can and has been sold on ebay. Pretty much everything is of value to someone and the best sellers are those who know how to spot a bargain because they know that others are willing to pay more. Where they sometimes need a little help is in the sales department itself. From my own and friends experience here are my top ebay tips and tactics:
It is a lot easier to manage a small number of high value items than it is to manage lots of little ones so try to concentrate on higher value items, particularly specialty or collectible type items, which can generate more competition between buyers.
Listing fees can mount up with additional photos, gallery listings and the like. It is hard to profit from lower margin items when fees make up a substantial portion of the selling price. It is better to sell higher value items for this reason also.
Begin your auctions with a low starting price, this tends to attract early buyer interest and ultimately the best final bids. For high value items make use of the reserve feature to protect against too low a final price.
Avoid selling items easily found in everyday shops and malls. Buyers will generally favour the mall where they can see and touch the item before parting with their cash, so again, try to offer uncommon or special interest items wherever possible.
Good descriptions with photos are vital. Use several photos if necessary to ensure attractive or unusual details are highlighted. Make sure that colors, exact measurements, unusual features, general condition of the item etc are all well covered in your description. Use a good photo for a gallery listing to attract more potential buyers.
You simply must answer queries and send out your goods promptly. Also, make sure you give the buyer feedback as soon as he has paid. This not only makes the buyer feel more secure but also leads to great feedback for you as the seller, so that other potential buyers get the feel good factor about you too.
If you are serious about ebay then open an ebay store. This not only gives you a more professional image but also allows you to cross promote your other items easily. Stores also get more traffic which equals more buyer competition for your goods.
Try to offer a range of payment options. Credit cards, paypal, money orders and bank transfers etc. The buy it now option is great for hooking impulsive buyers. The more payment options the greater likelihood of a successful sale.
Offer your goods to the international market where it is suitable to do so. The greater the competition the greater the selling price. This won't always be practical e.g. where international shipping costs may be prohibitive on bulky items or where there is seasonal market for the item concerned.
Try to offer a written guarantee or refund policy. Buyers are more likely to buy from you when you have a visible guarantee or return policy for your goods.
Finally, use a little hype factor where it may be appropriate, phrases like 'this season's must have' and 'limited stock' can increase sales especially in combination with the buy it now option, which tends to grab those impulse buyers.
If you've not already tried ebay you're missing out on a fun and profitable hobby or even home business. Register today if you have not done so already or find out more below.
Aidan James is a long time self employed marketer and sales professional. He writes for http://WorkAtHomeFiles.com, a site helping others get a start in home business and for various other sites. For your free downloads and info you are invited to visit http://WorkAtHomeFiles.com at any time.
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