Do you want to make more money in your home business. If you sell stuff online one program that does pay pretty good, is easy to implement, and pays on time is Google Adsense.
In this article we will look at how to make more money than you currently are and how to do it with Google's pay per click advertising program.
1. First of all you need to read the program policies and procedures. Google is very strict as to what they will and will not allow you to do when you are placing ads on your website. Be sure and do it right the first time and save you grief down the road.
2. Locate your ads in the hot spot of your website. This means above the fold and as close to the upper left hand corner as possible. The reason is very simple. To get people to click on your ads they need to be seen.
3. Use the rectangle 336 X 280 ad in your premium spot. This is the most popular ad and will earn you the most money.
4. To make more money everyday with Google you want to limit the number of Google Adsense ads to 3 or less per page. The more ads you have on a page the less they begin to pay. It benefits both you and Google to have the highest paying ads showing up on your page.
5. You want to blend your ads into the page. People have become blind to ads on the internet. They just do not care about them. By blending your ads into the page you've a better chance to get them clicked on. This may mean using a white border.
6. When you surf the internet what color are you used to seeing links. Blue! Keep your links blue and people will be more apt to naturally click on them because that is what they are clicking on all day long.
7. Google offers some really neat features for tracking and one of them is channels. If you have more than one ad unit per page, you can set up a channel for each unit. Again you are better off to stay at less than 3 ads per page. Channels let you know what ads are working best.
8. Check your stats periodically. You want to see your click through rate and your cost per click. By knowing how many visitors it takes to get a click and how much you are making per click you can decide if having a Google Ad on that page is worth it or not.
9. Make sure the ads that are coming up are relevant to the page. If not consider if you have content that is bad, or if your meta tags are set up wrong. Maybe even your header graphic has a bad alt tag.
Google Adsense is definitely one way to make more money everyday on the internet. If you do it right it can help your business as well.
Making money with Pay Per Click advertising is not just limited to Google. I wanted to quickly mention that many ppc companies have affiliate programs that pay you for placing ads on your site.
Some of the more popular ones include Bidvertiser, 7Search, SearchFeed, and Yahoo Marketing. Each one have their own rules and regulations so be sure and know them before you go placing ads on your site. Google themselves will not let you place similar ads on a page with their ads so be careful.
The fastest and easiest way to make money online is to get paid for a click. This article should give you some ideas on how to do that.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/home-business-articles/9-google-adsense-tips-to-make-more-money-everyday-318426.html
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