A good overview of online marketing.
The Internet, as well as being a fantastic source of information, is also a tremendous platform for business and commerce. With that comes the development of many different business mechanisms, which adapt as they cross from the real to the virtual trading environment. One of those functionalities, which have been well adapted to form an entirely new discipline for online business is online marketing. By combining a diverse range of different advertising and promotional channels, website owners have effectively created their own rules when it comes to online promotion, and to have any chance of online commercial success, these must be fully embraced.
One of the fastest growing sectors of online business is pay-per-action marketing, primarily in the form of pay-per-click. Pay-per-click works by displaying an advert with a link straight through to the advertiser's site. Rather than charging per impression, or for the duration of the ad, the advertiser pays only for every click through, which means theoretically, the advertiser is only paying for each interested sales lead. This may initially sound like an attractive and cost effective way to go, but there are a variety of problems with the medium which could eventually lead to its downfall.
One of the most critical problems faced by pay-per-click is what has been deemed 'click fraud'. Click fraud is where competitors deliberately click on adverts to run up the PPC budget, which can result in advertisers paying for advertising that hasn't even produce a single interested visitor to their site. However, many PPC suppliers are working tirelessly to try to remedy the situation, and they seem to be beginning to get a grasp on how best to avoid the problem in future.
Another evergreen online marketing method is that of search engine optimization. Search engine optimization, or SEO, is the process of making modifications to websites and combining off-site strategies to boost search engine rankings, which will ultimately result in more coverage for the website in question. In fact, SEO is such a powerful tool, that it is possible to move almost any website to one of the top few pages on major search engine results under specific keywords very quickly. For this reason, SEO is big business, and many websites of all sizes reap the benefits of SEO spend in their sales and profit margins every single year.
Online marketing comprises a range of alien marketing concepts, which traditional businesses must grasp if they are to succeed online. All in all, online marketing is a highly lucrative area, and the potential rewards are very high for those that successfully come to terms with these new marketing methods.
About the Author:
Jonathon Hardcastle writes articles on many topics including Employment, Computers, and Business
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