Getting your website done up for your online marketing business? What are your expectations for a good website? What are the important factors that you are emphasizing on to get the desired results from your website? How do you plan to achieve such desired results that will project your website favorably with visitors and customers alike?
Designing a good website and making it work for you and your online business requires tremendous effort in meticulous planning, serious consideration and purposeful fine-tuning. Without all these factors, the vast amount of time, money and effort spent on starting up the website can all be wasted easily.
To achieve website success, it is imperative to consider the following points:
(1) Planning
Draft the plan for your website. What is the exact purpose for the website? This is important because it will set the direction that should be taken for the whole process of designing your website.
(2) Content consideration
Content is the meat and forms an integral part of the website. It is important to think about what content should be included on the website. Another aspect will be how often the content should be updated and how to get reoccurring content.
(3) Designing the website
This plays an important role in keeping your visitors for the first four seconds. The design of your website must speak its intention and desirability very clearly. What it has to show to the visitors must be made known in that very short time span. No beating around the bush whatsoever. It must be distinctly clear in sending its message across.
(4) Encouraging visitor participation
The website for whatever reason it is being designed must attempt to bring in visitors not only for the sake of traffic but also getting them involved by participating in the signing up of the free articles and newsletters that you are offering. The whole process must one of interaction, not just a one-way communication.
(5) Setting up the website
This poses no problems simply because there are professional web designers that you can approach for a certain fee, or alternatively, there are nowadays user-friendly software that you can purchase to design and build your own website, bearing in mind that the design has to be somewhat agreeable within limits to the intention of the website.
(6) Execution of follow-up
It will be extremely damaging if some visitor poses you a question but it is not being followed up within the same day. This reflects poorly on the efficiency on your part. It tarnishes the image of your online customer service.
(7) Promoting your website
In any marketing campaign, there is the element of promotion. After having posted your new website, it is crucial to spend some time in promoting it. It is new and therefore it has not garnered recognition or publicity withing this short period of time. It must be given some push through promoting it. There would be teething problems initially, so the website must be given close attention and nurturing, at least in this initial phase of being hosted.
(8) Executing maintenance of the website
Having set up the website on the internet, it is very important to maintain it. Enliven it with new and fresh content. Make it appealing as each day passes by and visitors returning looking forward to reading new information. Put a warm smile on your website everyday. It will be like what honey is to bees. The path to website success is being subtly laid ahead.
The prerogative after the website is being hosted is obviously getting visitors to know and come to your website. Without visitors to your website, the whole purpose of designing and hosting it will be defeated.
How do you plan to attract visitors to your website? There are several ways of realizing this plan:
(1) Submission of your website to various search engines
Submitting your site to various search engines will help in some way. Of course, it would be advisable not to place full reliance on them as they can be inconsistent. If budget permits, bidding for a spot on the search engine would be a more viable alternative simply because an extra bit of control can be exercised. Overture.com is one good choice.
(2) Put up various free offers
Who would not want to accept free offers if given? This can be best executed by explaining why the visitors in accepting the free offers would understand more about their problems on hand. "Grab free information relating to your backaches. You'll receive more of such information if your just sign in and allow me to mail you these free related information on a weekly basis".
(3)Put up ads online
It is a good opportunity to put up ads online. Run your paid ads in e-zines. Put your ad buried in another person's e-zine, or you can choose to buy a full page ad. The whole process will induce the source of incoming traffic to your website.
(4) Use word-of-mouth
This method is viral and is usually effective. Let the world know about your website by inserting your personal signature file on your name cards, brochures, leaflets, just to name a few. Inevitably, as this usually turns viral, it will lead to more website visibility.
The internet provides the opportunities for online success. All that is needed to be done is to leverage ourselves with technology. It is equally crucial to understand that website success needs good effort in planning, designing, hosting, promotion and maintenance of the website. Nothing is further from the truth that a well-maintained website is one guaranteed of success in the long run.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/internet-marketing-articles/website-success-339899.html
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